Therapeutic Exercises

How to Prevent Back Pain While Weightlifting


If hitting the gym is on your to do list this year, then you may be ready for some heavy lifting. You may already know to bend your knees to lift with ease, but you also need to keep your back straight. Start with a Neutral Spine Studies show that the most common injuries among weightlifters are to the spine, shoulders and knees. Keeping your spine in a neutral position — with three natural curves [...]

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Four Exercises to Relieve Your New Mom Backache


Now that you’re a new mom, you may have more important things to worry about than your newfound backache but ignoring it will make your mommy duties harder. The already demanding tasks of bending, carrying and feeding are even more challenging when back ache holds you back. While carrying your bundle of joy for nine months, your abdominal muscles have stretched to make room for delivery. This is a common cause of back pain in [...]

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Exercise Safely


Being active can help you maintain a healthy weight, reduce blood pressure, build strong bones, relieve stress, and maintain flexibility and good posture. Recreational sport is a great way to enjoy the many benefits of physical activity. Whether you pick up a hockey stick, golf club, racquet, or paddle, get on a bike, or put on your running shoes. The important thing is to get moving and to exercise safely. Here are some tips to [...]

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8 Summer Fit Tips


Being active can help you maintain a healthy weight, flexibility and good posture, build strong bones, and relieve stress. Recreational activities are a great way to enjoy these benefits while having fun. Whether you pick up a garden rake or a golf club, or pound the pavement in running shoes, the important thing is to get moving.

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