The OCA Board of Directors and members adhere to the highest ethical standards of practice.
Our first responsibility is to promote the dignity, health and well-being of our patients. To do this, we meet the requirements of the laws, regulations and standards to which all self-regulating health care professionals, and those to which chiropractors specifically, must adhere.
Beyond this, we always act honestly and with integrity, to foster trust and respect through a commitment to professional, patient-centred practice. Central to all of this is collaboration – with our patients, our colleagues and other stakeholders.
Ethical Guideposts for Practice:
Our Promise of Professionalism
The ‘Promise of Professionalism‘ is a general guide that outlines the conduct the OCA and its Board of Directors expects of its members.
The following guideposts to ethical practice help us to meet our collective responsibility toward our patients, colleagues and our profession. This promise of professionalism is framed in two parts – patient-centered care and professionalism. The expectation of collaboration is embedded throughout.
It is not intended to be an exhaustive list of all behaviours. The key goals of this promise are: patient-centred care, professionalism and collaborative practice.