At Work

Support for Ontario Nurses to Help Prevent Back Pain and Injury


Across the globe, COVID-19 put frontline health-care workers at the centre of response and care around the clock. These included nurses who have been particularly impacted by the pandemic by working longer hours and being deployed to different units where they may not have previous experience. As result of being in a new environment and working under strenuous conditions, nurses are one population at risk for increased musculoskeletal pain that could cause pain and injury [...]

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Dance Health: Protecting Your Ankles and Knees in a Turnout


Protecting Your Ankles and Knees in a Dance Turnout Turnout is the position dancers often take, where their hips are externally rotated, like first position in ballet.  Often dancers will use their feet to cheat this movement in order to create the desired shape on the floor. This cheat is called “cranking turnout.” Using floor sliders Dr. Blessyl Buan, an Ontario chiropractor, dance artist and movement specialist, recommends a healthier pattern. She recommends dancers use [...]

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Yoga Exercises for Back Pain


Chiropractors encourage patients to take an active role in their care. Yoga, among chiropractic and other therapies, is a great tool for low back pain. The practice of yoga is known to have several health benefits, including improved posture, strength, and increased range of motion. However, to fully benefit from yoga, it is helpful to learn some basic yoga exercises. Irina Andreea is a trainer and yoga teacher from Toronto. In this video, you will [...]

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Your daily routine can be a pain


We live in a world where we’re constantly in a hurry, juggling multiple tasks and carrying our belongings with us everywhere. And this can have serious consequences on your back health. In fact, back pain sends more patients to doctors than any condition other than the common cold.1 Here are some common activities that negatively impact back health and how you can fix them. Commuting Just like sitting at your desk, hunching over your steering [...]

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Five Office Ergonomics Tips


Ergonomics Tips to Make Your Work Station More Comfortable More than 80 per cent of the working population will experience low back pain at least once in their lifetime. If you, like many people, sit all day at work, often with poor posture, you may be increasing your risk of developing low back pain. In addition, as your workload at the office or home increases, so do repetitive actions, such as typing, using your computer [...]

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Top Five Tips For Selecting an Office Chair


When shopping for the best ergonomic office chair, getting a chair that fits your unique needs should be the top priority. Not every chair labeled “ergonomic” has all the adjustment features necessary to truly be ergonomic. Here are the top 5 things you need to consider to help you make a better selection.

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How to Ease Pain and Protect Your Back at Work


Unfortunately, back pain in the workplace is common, and shouldn’t be ignored. Work related back pain is often a sign that either your environment or your posture and movements should change. Age, desk setup, stress load and the type of manual tasks you engage in all play a huge role in your back health. But at the end of the day, no matter how successful or passionate you are, your health matters most.

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