Webinars on Demand: Patient Care
Supporting individuals with Traumatic Brain Injury: Concussion, mild or moderate to severe injury A Joint OCA|UHN Webinar Every year, approximately 170,000 Ontarians sustain a Concussion/mild traumatic brain injury (TBI) and about 20% of them will experience persisting symptoms that require ongoing care. But access to high-quality acute care and rehabilitation services for TBI varies across [...]
A significant number of people are troubled with dizziness, unsteadiness and oscillopsia. A good vestibular assessment and vestibular rehabilitation program can help some of these individuals. This webinar provides an introduction to advanced rehabilitation techniques and an informative presentation with real-life case scenarios. In this patient-centric webinar you will learn: - Gaze stabilization exercises to [...]
Learn about the etiology, pathophysiology and burden of sciatica, along with key features of diagnosis and differential diagnosis, common treatments for sciatica and the evidence behind them. Speaker SpineMobility Original Broadcast June 6, 2018 Watch the Webinar Additional Resources Non-Operative Management of Sciatica: Presentation Slides
As part of our ‘Circle It’ Arthritis Campaign, the OCA is excited to present a refresher on arthritis. In this webinar, Dr. Amy Brown will review the types of arthritis, their prevalence, how they are diagnosed, as well as examine the current clinical practice Guidelines for arthritis. Specific management recommendations for conditions such as spinal [...]
WSIB will provide an overview of the new harmonized musculoskeletal program of care including what’s changing and what this means for you. Time will be provided for questions and discussion. Speakers: Jessie Farran, Director Health Services, WSIB Dr. Flavia Chilelli, DC, Program and Provider Specialist, WSIB Dr. Moez Rajwani, DC, Chiropractic Consultant, OCA Dr. Albert [...]
Be better at recognizing and diagnosing lumbar disc herniations and radiculopathies. Know when to continue with conservative care, know when to co-manage with a physician and know when to initiate advanced imaging and surgical consult. Lumbar disc herniations are a common presentation in our practices. However, the presentation and symptom patterns can be challenging to [...]
Science, reasoning and a quick demonstration behind the use of advance modalities such as laser, shockwave and the new TECAR therapy in practice. Learn how and why to use these modalities to enhance your chiropractic care. Speaker(s) Dr. NIma Pardisnia, DC, FCCPOR - Clinic Director, Simply Align Rehab Original Broadcast December 6, 2023 Watch the [...]
Through understanding the mechanisms or actions that may create or predispose a person to chronification, we have an opportunity to be a solution rather than a potential cause of transition from acute to persistent (chronic) pain. We will explore some actionable steps we can take in our daily practice to reduce the chance a person [...]
Comprehensive and evidence-based information on non-pharmacological management of chronic pain for older adults. Understand more about the high presence of other physical and psychosocial comorbidities that impact older adults experiencing pain. Speaker Carlo Ammendolia D.C., Ph.D, — Spinemobility Original Broadcast October 10, 2018 Watch the Webinar Additional Resources Older Adults Non-Pharmacological Management of Chronic [...]
Not all low back pain is alike, yet many practitioners use the same treatment approach for their low back pain patients. In this presentation, we will describe how to classify low back pain patients into distinct subgroups and match them with these subgroups with specific treatment approaches. Tailoring treatment based on key history and physical exam [...]