For Seniors

Prevent Falls at Home


As we grow older, our risk of falling increases and so does the risk of serious injury from a fall. Most trips, slips, and falls happen in and around the home. Here are some simple things you can do to reduce your risk and help prevent falls at home. To view/download our one-pager on how to prevent falls in your bathroom and kitchen (PDF format) click /tap the thumbnail above. The Bathroom Use [...]

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Loosen Up In Your Golden Years


Loosen Up In Your Golden Years Over the years, you can develop habitual ways of using your muscles to move and position yourself. Poor posture and reduced range of motion may be the result of limited stretching, reduced activity levels or improper body alignment. With age, your muscles naturally tighten which can lead to poor posture and back pain. So, if you’re an older adult, it has never been more important to incorporate stretching and [...]

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The Power of Exercise to Help Manage Osteoporosis


Aging, obesity and chronic health conditions, among other things, can lead to limited mobility and strength. And these issues can in turn contribute to spine, muscle and joint problems. As we age, our bones decline in density, starting at age 30. And if bone mass gets dangerously low, it’s called osteoporosis. Physical exercise, particularly if it’s weight-bearing, can help you better manage osteoporosis, including its side effects. “The higher you get your bone mass up [...]

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Aging: How to stay active when it hurts to do so


Tom Kellar and his wife, Colleen Fraser, from Sudbury, Ontario, have always tried to stay active while aging by going to the gym, walking, or hitting the trails on snowshoes or skis during the winter. But in recent years, the pain made exercise a challenge for both of them. For Kellar, the pain was particularly bad in his left knee, while Fraser had both hand and knee pain. “When you’re in pain, you’re tired all [...]

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Living with Arthritis: How Chiropractic Care Helps Alleviate Arthritis Symptoms


Arthritis affects about one in five Canadians or more than six million people. Many people living with this condition say they need help to complete daily tasks because arthritis limits their abilities. With symptoms like stiffness and often painful inflammation, arthritis limits your mobility and how well you can move your joints. Chiropractic care helps alleviate arthritis symptoms, so you can move through your day with less pain. Although symptoms are more likely to show [...]

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Use It or Lose It: Exercise Therapy Can Ease Arthritic Pain


When you live with an ongoing or chronic condition, such as arthritis, it can be difficult and painful to complete daily tasks. These tasks include using a computer mouse to running errands. But exercise therapy can ease arthritic pain. While arthritis limits your range of motion, treatments, such as manual therapy and a therapeutic exercise program, can help you keep moving. Many people opt to visit a chiropractor for a therapeutic exercise program. It can help [...]

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Maintaining Your Mobility: Stretches and Exercises


Over the years, you can develop habitual ways of using your muscles to move and position yourself. Poor posture and a lack of flexibility may be the result of limited stretching and improper body alignment. With age, your muscles naturally tighten which can lead to poor posture1 and back pain

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Three Tips for Healthy Aging


Active living is important for your health and well-being, no matter what your age is, but it can be vital for older adults. Being active and mobile can help prevent many chronic conditions that can impact you as you age. Even moderate exercise can contribute to your body’s balance and bone strength, which is why it’s never too late to start exercising.

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