
Yoga for People with Low Back Pain


Yoga can be an effective and gentle tool to help manage your low back pain. Its many benefits include relief from pain, stress and anxiety – it’s also fun and challenging!  Yoga can help you reduce muscle tension, increase flexibility and strength while improving your balance. Warm up before trying yoga, as you want to help your back pain, not make it worse.   Here is a list of yoga poses that are great for beginners and can be done at home! Always listen to your body and do not continue a...

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Prevent Winter Slip-Ups!


Stay Standing This Winter! Falling on ice can leave you red-faced with embarrassment, or far more seriously, hurt badly from taking a knee to the ice or falling awkwardly on icy snow. Slippery sidewalks, driveways and icy parking lots can be risk factors for falls in winter. Avoid a bad fall with these top tips! Walk like a penguin The penguin waddle helps you keep a centre of gravity over the front leg as you...

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Got Back Pain? Try these Options Before Grabbing Painkillers!


Are you suffering from back pain? You’re not alone. Up to 80 per cent of the population will experience back pain at least once in their lifetime. But what if you’re living with chronic back pain? Where can you turn for help? For too many of us, prescription painkillers, like opioids, are our first remedy to manage persistent pain, but there’s a whole world of medication-free options that may be able to help. The 2017...

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Five Things Your Chiropractor Wishes You Would Stop Doing


We all do simple, everyday things that drive chiropractors crazy! Here’s why you should stop doing them and what you can do instead. 1. Improper Lifting When you lift something the wrong way, you can easily  trigger back pain. Before lifting something heavy, follow these tips to avoid strain. Position yourself close to the object. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart with your feet and body pointing in the same direction. Bend your knees, keep...

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How to Prevent Back Pain While Weightlifting


If hitting the gym is on your to do list this year, then you may be ready for some heavy lifting. You may already know to bend your knees to lift with ease, but you also need to keep your back straight. Start with a Neutral Spine Studies show that the most common injuries among weightlifters are to the spine, shoulders and knees. Keeping your spine in a neutral position — with three natural curves...

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Four Exercises to Relieve Your New Mom Backache


Now that you’re a new mom, you may have more important things to worry about than your newfound backache but ignoring it will make your mommy duties harder. The already demanding tasks of bending, carrying and feeding are even more challenging when back ache holds you back. While carrying your bundle of joy for nine months, your abdominal muscles have stretched to make room for delivery. This is a common cause of back pain in...

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Five Office Ergonomics Tips (Free Infographic Downloads!)


Ergonomics Tips to Make Your Work Station More Comfortable More than 80 per cent of the working population will experience low back pain at least once in their lifetime. If you, like many people, sit all day at work, often with poor posture, you may be increasing your risk of developing low back pain. In addition, as your workload at the office or home increases, so do repetitive actions, such as typing, using your computer...

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Five Ways to Stay Pain-Free this Holiday Season


‘Tis the season for eating great food, spending quality time with loved your ones and sharing cherished traditions. Unfortunately, all of the hustle and bustle can also bring you an unwelcome gift—back pain. Holiday activities such as shopping, wrapping gifts and skating can cause your muscles to work in ways they're not usually used and can result in neck, shoulder or back pain. Try these five tips to reduce your chances of pain and strain:...

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Eight Back Pain Myth Busters


Your back has two main purposes: it allows you to stand, supporting your arms and legs; and it protects your spinal cord, which communicates messages between your brain and the rest of your body. The health of your spine can affect your overall well-being. Most people experience low back pain at some point in their lives. Because it’s so common, you may have heard many theories about what causes low back pain and how to...

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