
Top Tips for Exercising Safely Outside and At Home


For over a year, COVID-19 continued to force fitness centres and studios to be shut down across the province, leaving people to find alternative ways to stay active. With the warmer months around the corner, many are already or will be taking advantage of the outdoors to practice yoga, run, cycle, weight lift, and perform other exercises to stay mentally and physically fit. However, this may increase risk of injury if not conducted properly. “Working...

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Aging: How to stay active when it hurts to do so


Tom Kellar and his wife, Colleen Fraser, from Sudbury, Ontario, have always tried to stay active while aging by going to the gym, walking, or hitting the trails on snowshoes or skis during the winter. But in recent years, the pain made exercise a challenge for both of them. For Kellar, the pain was particularly bad in his left knee, while Fraser had both hand and knee pain. “When you’re in pain, you’re tired all...

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Mind and Body: The link between chronic pain and mental health


As an advocate for improved pain management in Canada, Lynn Cooper advises patients to access a multidisciplinary team of health practitioners. It’s an approach she also takes to help manage the physical and emotional challenges of her own chronic pain. You likely know that many people deal with chronic pain or mental illness. But you may not know how often the two go together. If you have chronic pain, it impacts your mood and can...

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Dance Health: Better Knee and Ankle Alignment to Prevent Injuries


Better Knee and Ankle Alignment to Prevent Dance Injuries A dancer's jumps, turns, and forward pushing movement all begin with a bent knee. Dr. Blessyl Buan, an Ontario chiropractor, dance artist and movement specialist, says "a key way to prevent dance injuries is to ensure you understand your joint positioning during these transitional movements. This positioning includes controlling your knee and ankle alignment to prevent injuries." Training in Parallel with Balls You can train in...

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Dance Health: Protecting Your Ankles and Knees in a Turnout


Protecting Your Ankles and Knees in a Dance Turnout Turnout is the position dancers often take, where their hips are externally rotated, like first position in ballet.  Often dancers will use their feet to cheat this movement in order to create the desired shape on the floor. This cheat is called “cranking turnout.” Using floor sliders Dr. Blessyl Buan, an Ontario chiropractor, dance artist and movement specialist, recommends a healthier pattern. She recommends dancers use...

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Sweet Dreams


Lack of sleep is no joke and getting a good night’s rest is important. We spend about one third of our lives sleeping, so getting the most out of it is important. Preventing stress or worries that keep you up at night may be difficult, but a few simple lifestyle and nutritional changes can help you wake up feeling refreshed. For a good night’s rest  When choosing a mattress, look for one that is comfortably...

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Pack it Light, Wear it Right: Luggage


Your flights, hotels and activities are booked, and your bags are read to be packed. As you begin grabbing your trip essentials, remember to pick, pack and lift your luggage properly to ensure a safe and relaxing trip. Here are some tip on how to prepare your luggage for your trip: Choosing Luggage Look for sturdy, light, high-quality and transportable pieces. Avoid purchasing luggage that is already too heavy when empty. Choose a bag with...

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Pack it Light, Wear it Right: Handbags


While worrying about the stresses of your daily schedule, back, neck or shoulder pain is the last thing you need. Whether it’s a fashionable new purse or a briefcase bursting with documents, knowing how to choose, pack and lift your bag can prevent them from becoming a pain in the back. Common-sense tips to help spare your back: Choosing a Handbag/Shoulder Bag Whether your bag is a purse or home to your laptop, choose one...

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Your daily routine can be a pain


We live in a world where we’re constantly in a hurry, juggling multiple tasks and carrying our belongings with us everywhere. And this can have serious consequences on your back health. In fact, back pain sends more patients to doctors than any condition other than the common cold.1 Here are some common activities that negatively impact back health and how you can fix them. Commuting Just like sitting at your desk, hunching over your steering...

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