Your flights, hotels and activities are booked, and your bags are read to be packed. As you begin grabbing your trip essentials, remember to pick, pack and lift your luggage properly to ensure a safe and relaxing trip.

Here are some tip on how to prepare your luggage for your trip:

Choosing Luggage

Look for sturdy, light, high-quality and transportable pieces. Avoid purchasing luggage that is already too heavy when empty. Choose a bag with wheels and an adjustable handle when possible.

Packing Luggage

Over-packing is a pitfall. Ensure your luggage is never too heavy for you to pick up.

Lifting Luggage

Place carry-on luggage into the overhead compartment by first lifting it onto the top of the seat. Use your knees, not your back to lift!

The Last Word

Carrying a heavy load that is poorly distributed can cause a number of problems including muscle strain, headaches, neck, back and arm pain, and even nerve damage. It pays to pack it light and wear it right.

And if in spite of all your care, you experience persistent low back pain, consult a chiropractor or other health care professional to assess your specific needs and identify a course of action that’s right for you.

To find a chiropractor near you, use the chiropractor locator on our website. In Ontario, you can visit a chiropractor without a referral from a doctor, nurse practitioner or other health care professional.