Our Chiropractors Helping Patients blog features Ontario chiropractors treating patients at various stages of their lives – from expecting moms to seniors. Some chiropractors specialize in treating specific communities, such as athletes, or people at specific life stages. Other chiropractors pursue additional academic and practical education to specialize.  Specialties include clinical sciences and diagnostic imaging, pediatric, spinal stenosis, sports sciences, rehabilitation or animal chiropractic care.
Through this blog, you can learn about the featured chiropractor’s specialities. You can also learn how they work with medical doctors and other health care professionals to help patients they both treat.
These posts also explain how chiropractors are helping patients and other Ontarians through additional initiatives. Initiatives include teaching, research, work on hospital boards, on a sports organization’s health team or in projects led by institutions/government.

Chiropractic Care to South Asian and Other Diverse Communities

2021-06-29T13:54:07-04:00Chiropractors Helping Patients|

By Dr. Jasleen Singh | It can be challenging for newcomers or immigrants to Canada to attain the health care (including chiropractic care) they need. Long wait times, language challenges, limited clinic hours and lack of health care knowledge are potential barriers to providing chiropractic care to patients from the South Asian and other diverse communities. I am happy to be part of the team at Sujok Homeo Clinic. At our clinic, we treat and [...]

Collaborative Care for All – Particularly Young Professionals

2021-06-29T13:55:32-04:00Chiropractors Helping Patients, Workplace Wellness|

By Dr. Nardine Bekhit | Some people think you don’t need a chiropractor until you have an injury or reach middle age years. Young professionals sometimes believe they can get away with pushing past their physical limits in order to meet the demands of their busy schedules, but eventually this catches up to them. Supporting Young Professionals Shortly after I graduated from the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College (Toronto) in 2018, I began working as an [...]

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Chiropractic Care for Office Athletes or Workers

2021-06-29T13:57:47-04:00Sports and Fitness, Workplace Wellness|

By Dr. Patrick Welsh | Low back pain has been identified as one of the most costly disorders among the worldwide working population.¹ Studies also indicate that work stressors, such as high psychological demands, may increase muscle tension and aggravate task-related strain.² When I deliver chiropractic care, I’ve consistently seen low back, as well as elbow, shoulder and neck issues among the office athletes or workers, I regularly treat. Corporate Wellness, Onsite Chiropractic Care for [...]

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