Board of Directors

As a voluntary, professional association, we are governed by an elected Board of Directors, which is supported by committees, our leadership team, and staff. If you have any inquiries or would like to contact our Board of Directors, please email

Click on the photos to learn about our Board members.

Dr. Janet D’Arcy
Dr. Janet D’ArcyChair
Dr. Tony Anziano
Dr. Tony AnzianoVice Chair
Dr. Paolo De Ciantis
Dr. Paolo De CiantisTreasurer
Dr. Nardine Bekhit
Dr. Nardine BekhitDirector
Dr. Jenny Elliott
Dr. Jenny ElliottDirector
Dr. Steve Gillis
Dr. Steve GillisDirector
Dr. Keshena Malik
Dr. Keshena MalikDirector
Dr. Anjelica Mazzella
Dr. Anjelica MazzellaDirector
Dr. Andrea Nalli
Dr. Andrea NalliDirector
Dr. Raheema Kanji-Naran
Dr. Raheema Kanji-NaranDirector
Dr. Patricia Tavares
Dr. Patricia TavaresDirector
Dr. Carol Ann Weis
Dr. Carol Ann WeisDirector