Dr. Nardine Bekhit
Dr. Nardine BekhitDirector

Journey to Becoming a Chiropractor

A perfect storm of factors led me to a career in chiropractic. I had a passion for health and wellness, the inspiration to bring a high level of empathy into patient care, and I had a strong desire to be anything but ordinary. Chiropractic checked off all the boxes for me. As chiropractors, I feel like we all have a story, and we all get chosen into the profession. It’s not an easy path to take. The hardship that we go through both in our schooling and in our career builds our character and helps us to not only be exceptional clinicians, but incredible people. I’m proud to be a chiropractor and part of this community.

Region of Practice and Clinical Work

My main practice is Healthcare House, which is a family medicine clinic in Ottawa. I run my own practice there, but I also practise as the pediatric chiropractor at a multidisciplinary pediatric clinic called Play on Pediatric Therapy. I’m also an Advanced Practice Provider (APP) for the Rapid Access Clinic for Low Back Pain (RAC-LBP) through The Ottawa Hospital – and I’ll officially be taking patients through the RAC-LBP in November 2023.

My Motto or Mantra

“Energy flows where intention goes.”

Credentials and Designations

  • Webster Certification, 2022
  • Thompson Technique Certification, 2019
  • D.C., Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College (CMCC), 2018
  • B.Sc., Biomedical Science, Bilingual Certification in French and English, University of Ottawa, 2014

Leadership Engagement

Community Programs and Initiatives

I volunteer with the OCA Local Leaders program. I also volunteer with CMCC every year by assessing admissions interviews and helping to shape the future of the profession in that sense. I also volunteer with CMCC’s OSCE’s for students and interns, and volunteer with the CCEB’s OSCE as a standardized patient.
In the community, one of my goals has been to be an ambassador for chiropractic to health care professionals. So, I do a lot of free lunch-and-learn presentations in local dental offices talking about spinal health and ergonomic advice specific to the needs of dental clinicians, and have had virtual speaking engagements on this subject at dental schools across the US thanks to the community I’ve built via Instagram. I have also had the privilege of lecturing at a grand rounds presentation for the University of Ottawa’s ENT department on ergonomics for surgeons. These presentations involve educating clinicians on what they can do to help offset the MSK stress of their work environment. I have enjoyed getting to build connections in my community through this work and put a positive light on our profession worldwide.