
Five Ways to Avoid Backache while with Your Newborn


You were up all night. Your baby is crying. The telephone is ringing and the kettle is boiling. For most parents, this is a daily scenario. Parents are also continually faced with strenuous physical demands, such as lifting, feeding, comforting and chasing after children. As a parent, you may be lifting a seven to ten-pound baby 50 times a day. By 12 months, your baby weighs approximately 17 pounds, and at two years, that child...

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Four Exercises to Relieve Your New Mom Backache


Now that you’re a new mom, you may have more important things to worry about than your newfound backache but ignoring it will make your mommy duties harder. The already demanding tasks of bending, carrying and feeding are even more challenging when back ache holds you back. While carrying your bundle of joy for nine months, your abdominal muscles have stretched to make room for delivery. This is a common cause of back pain in...

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