At Play | Travelling/Vacation

Get in the Game Without the Pain


As warmer weather approaches, golfers can’t wait to get to the first tee. But twisted postures, the torque of the swing and forgetting to warm-up can cause unnecessary injury. Click the Download File button to view/download/print this high-resolution tip sheet/info-graphic for eight simple stretches to help you get back on the golf course without the pain. (PDF format). You can also email or share it on social media. Just select the email or your preferred social...

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Dance Health: Better Knee and Ankle Alignment to Prevent Injuries


Better Knee and Ankle Alignment to Prevent Dance Injuries A dancer's jumps, turns, and forward pushing movement all begin with a bent knee. Dr. Blessyl Buan, an Ontario chiropractor, dance artist and movement specialist, says "a key way to prevent dance injuries is to ensure you understand your joint positioning during these transitional movements. This positioning includes controlling your knee and ankle alignment to prevent injuries." Training in Parallel with Balls You can train in...

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Dance Health: Protecting Your Ankles and Knees in a Turnout


Protecting Your Ankles and Knees in a Dance Turnout Turnout is the position dancers often take, where their hips are externally rotated, like first position in ballet.  Often dancers will use their feet to cheat this movement in order to create the desired shape on the floor. This cheat is called “cranking turnout.” Using floor sliders Dr. Blessyl Buan, an Ontario chiropractor, dance artist and movement specialist, recommends a healthier pattern. She recommends dancers use...

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8 Summer Fit Tips


Being active can help you maintain a healthy weight, flexibility and good posture, build strong bones, and relieve stress. Recreational activities are a great way to enjoy these benefits while having fun. Whether you pick up a garden rake or a golf club, or pound the pavement in running shoes, the important thing is to get moving.

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How to Choose the Right Helmet


Helmets Are for Multiple — Not Just Extreme — Sports Many fun seasonal activities, such as bike riding, blading, skiing or skating, require the use of a helmet. Helmets are designed to protect your head and reduce your risk of an injury by 30 per cent. A wide variety of activities require helmets. So it’s important to buy the right helmet for your sport or activity. Here are five tips to help you select, buy...

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