How to treat chronic pain without turning to opioids
Globe and Mail (Health Advisor)
The increased use of opioids is being driven by both their use as a first-line treatment for chronic pain, commonly mechanical back pain, and the lack of funded health services for non-pharmacological, conservative approaches, according to a study published earlier this year in the Annals of Internal Medicine. Successful treatment of back pain is complicated and often requires a collaborative, clinical approach. Care models that have chiropractors and physiotherapists collaborating with family doctors are leading the way.
Dwight Chapin, B.Sc(H)., D.C., is the clinic director of High Point Wellness Centre in Mississauga, team chiropractor for the CFL’s Toronto Argonauts and on-site clinician for employees of The Globe and Mail. Follow him on Twitter @HighPtWellness.
July 4, 2017