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Sign up for the OCA Members’ Financial Literacy Program

To help you and other OCA members build skills and knowledge to successfully manage personal finances, we partnered with Enriched Academy to present the OCA Financial Literacy Program.


Continuing Fall 2022
Program Launch
& First Round

Through this partnership, we reserved 150 member seats for the program’s first round. To ensure fairness and non-bias, all 150 names will be drawn at random for an even representation of the OCA membership.

The signup sheet will remain open until Wednesday, November 23, 2022 at 11:59 pm.

If you’re not selected this year, don’t worry. You’ll be waitlisted and contacted for future sessions. More seats for the program will be made available annually.

Please note: This program requires a dedicated time commitment from start to finish. We strongly advise signing up only if you plan on seeing it through to completion.

Registration is now closed.