Class of ’24

Jumpstart Your Career 2024 Edition



Dr. Vincent Sinclair
Board Member Emeritus, CMCC

“You have earned the privilege to advance chiropractic to its rightful place in health care.”


ToC Hands

Mentoring and Support Anytime You Need It
Organizations partnering to provide you with a consolidated resource in supporting you.

Provincial Contact Information
Contact information for Canada-wide chiropractic organizations and associations.

Ontario Contact Information
Contact information for chiropractic-related organizations in Ontario.

New Grad Checklist
Now that you have completed your studies, take a moment to review the new grad checklist.

Steps to Take After Graduation
Five essential steps all new grads need to take if practising in Ontario.

Summary Map to Practice
A simple flowchart that maps out directions you can take in your career.


OCA Membership, OCA Advance Live and On-Demand Webinars
OCA membership benefits, and customized curriculum on everything from finance, marketing to law, business management and patient care.

CCO Certificate of Registration
CCO’s role and membership.

Staying Engaged with CMCC 
Reasons to stay engaged and Board of Governors available to you.

CCA Membership
CCA membership benefits and resources.

CCPA Membership
CCPA protection and membership benefits.

Download the Jumpstart Guide


Class of ’24 – Mentoring and Support


Provinces/TerritoriesRegulatory BodyProvincial Association
Career Opportunities:
College of Chiropractors of British Columbia
Contact: 604-742-6470
British Columbia
Chiropractic Association
Contact: 604-270-1332
Career Opportunities:
College of Chiropractors of Alberta
Contact: 780-420-0932
Chiropractic Association of Alberta
Contact: 1-877-849-1321
Career Opportunities:
Chiropractors’ Association of Saskatchewan, Regulations
Contact: 306-585-1411
Chiropractors’ Association
of Saskatchewan
Contact: 306-585-1411
Manitoba Chiropractors Association, Regulatory
Contact: 204-942-3000
Manitoba Chiropractors Association
Contact: 204-942-3000
Career Opportunities:
College of Chiropractors of Ontario
Contact: 416-922-6355
Ontario Chiropractic Association
Contact: 416-860-0070
Ordre des chiropraticiens du Québec
Contact: 514-355-8540
Association des chiropraticiens du Québec
Contact: 514-355-0557
Career Opportunities:
New Brunswick Chiropractors Association,  Regulatory
Contact: 506-455-6800
New Brunswick Chiropractors Association
Contact: Contact: 506-455-6800
Nova Scotia College of Chiropractors
Contact: 902-407-4255
Council of the Nova Scotia College of Chiropractors
Contact: 902-407-4255
Prince Edward Island Chiropractic Association, Regulation
Contact: 902-894-4400
Prince Edward Island Chiropractic Association
Contact: 902-894-4400
Newfoundland and Labrador Chiropractic Board
Contact: 709-739-7762
Newfoundland and Labrador Chiropractic Association
Contact: 709-739-7762
Yukon Chiropractic Registrar
Contact: 867-667-5111
Yukon Chiropractic Registrar
Contact: 867-667-5111

Membership has benefits!
CCPA protection is available to all chiropractors who belong to their provincial and national associations. To learn more, visit the CCPA student portal at ccpaonline.ca, click “SIGN IN” on the top right, and enter your college email address.

To learn more about the benefits of CCA membership, contact us at 416-585-7902 or
1-877-222-9303, or membership@chiropractic.ca.


contact info image
Canadian Chiropractic Association
1-877-222-9303 | 416-585-7902
Canadian Chiropractic Protective Association
1-800-668-2076 | 416-781-5656
Health Claims for Auto Insurance
Canadian Chiropractic Examining Board
403- 230-5997
Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College
Ontario Chiropractic Association
1-877-327-2273 |416-860-0070 oca@chiropractic.on.ca
College of Chiropractors of Ontario
1-877-577-4772 | 416-922-6355
Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario
1-800-668-0128 | 416-250-7250
Workplace Safety and Insurance Board
1-800-387-0750 | 416-344-1000


Portrait of a smiling asian businesswoman


You are now ready to embark on your career as a chiropractor. This Jumpstart guide gives you helpful information and resources to get you started.

Before you do anything else, take a moment to complete the checklist.

2023 JYC Grad Checklist


Businesswoman walking up staircase isometric concept

Please follow these steps to ensure academic proficiency, regulatory board compliance and professional protection if practicing in Ontario. If practising in another province, contact details for provincial associations are listed near the top of this page.

Shot of an unrecognizable businessman filling in a form on a desk in an officeStep 1: Examinations

Did you know? CCEB examination results take approximately six to eight weeks to process. Upon successful completion of the CCEB examination and CCO Legislation and Ethics Examination, CCO will send candidates an application form to be completed for membership.

Step 2: For licensing, apply to CCO

Prospective CCO members must first:

  • Graduate from an accredited chiropractic college (this requirement is non-exemptible)
  • Successfully complete the Canadian Chiropractic Examining Board (CCEB) examinations
  • Successfully complete CCO’s Legislation and Ethics examinations

Step 3: Apply to OCA

  • Join now! Visit chiropractic.on.ca and click the Join Ontario Chiropractic Association button on the home page. If you’re an OCA Student Member, log in to the OCA Self-Serve Member Portal, go to Join Now at top of the page, and follow the prompts. (Alternatively, join another provincial association if you’re practicing outside Ontario.)
  • If you have questions, contact OCA at oca@chiropractic.on.ca or call at 416-860-0070. Toll-free: 1-877-327-2273

Step 4: Apply to CCA

Step 5: Apply to CCPA

To qualify, ensure you meet these requirements:

  • A Doctor of Chiropractic degree from an accredited chiropractic college, such as CMCC, UQTR or University of Western States
  • Successful completion of the CCEB examination
  • Licensure from your relevant provincial regulator
  • Membership with the Canadian Chiropractic Association and your relevant provincial chiropractic association, such as the OCA
  • Register for membership with CCPA
      • Visit www.ccpaonline.ca and click “BECOME A CCPA MEMBER” on the top right corner
      • Enter your college email address to get started

Did you know? CCPA protection is only available to chiropractors in Canada who are members of the CCA and their provincial chiropractic association.

If you have questions, please call 416-781-5656 or 1-800-668-2076, or admin@ccpaonline.ca


Summary Map to joining OCA and other support organizations.


OCA logo

The OCA is here for you with support and tools to help you build a thriving practice. We are your voice to tell the story of our profession to the public, other health care professionals and government.

Class of ’24 photo 1 (2)

Member Benefits

  • Access to our Member Experience Team (MET), available Monday to Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., to support you and your team throughout the day: troubleshooting issues and helping you overcome any practice obstacles.
  • Access to OCA Aspire, our enhanced cloud-based electronic health record (EHR) and practice management solution, specially designed for you. OCA Aspire enables you to be connected anytime, anywhere so you can spend more time on what matters most: your patients.
  • Ontario-wide Digital advertising campaigns to promote you and advance your profession.
  • Access to OCA Advance, our continuing education (CE) offerings designed exclusively for you. Enjoy free live webinars every Wednesday or on-demand at your convenience.
  • Regular e-bulletins to update you on news about your profession, media coverage, OCA Advance CE offerings and other OCA initiatives.
  • Regular podcasts with practical information to help you enhance patient care, grow your practice and advance the chiropractic profession.
  • Access to the OCA’s Mentorship Program, matching experienced members with early-career chiropractors to share practice strategies, career insights, and expert feedback while earning CE credits.
  • Access to collaboration resources to help you approach and work with other health care professionals, business resources to support your practice, and clinical resources to share your expertise.
  • Advocacy, health policy initiatives, and programs to support you, patients, employers, other health care professionals and advance your profession.
  • Awards and awards galas to celebrate chiropractic leaders across Ontario.
  • Access to the OCA’s Affinity (Advantage) Partners’ programs to help you save money, build your business or upgrade your knowledge.

How to Join the OCA

Becoming a member is easy! Click the Join Ontario Chiropractic Association button on our Homepage. If you’re an OCA Student member, log in to the OCA Self-Serve Member Portal, go to Join Now at top of the page and follow the prompts. When you have your registration number from CCO, email it to oca@chiropractic.on.ca to complete your application process.

As a first-year graduate, you can pay your annual membership fee or get a free one-year membership and gain valuable professional volunteer experience.

For a free first-year membership, volunteer 20 hours with the OCA:

  • Participate in focus groups
  • Participate in committees
  • Participate in the implementation of our electronic health record (EHR) and practice management solution, OCA Aspire


oca advance - webinars logo

OCA members get free access to weekly one-hour webinars with subject matter experts ready to help kick-start your career by expanding on your business skills and patient care. Attending our live webinars grants you a certificate which the CCO counts towards structured CE credit requirements.

Learn about the OCA’s resources to help you attract and educate patients,
manage your business or understand your legal obligations.
Watch OCA is Here for You! Webinar

In your first five years in practice, you may be paying off school debt, looking for employment, deciding where to live, or thinking about starting a family. This webinar will help you navigate early career decisions that can strengthen your financial future.
Watch Money Talk for New Chiropractors Webinar

An interactive discussion on how to have difficult diagnosis conversations and address sensitive topics with patients and caregivers.
Watch Difficult Conversations with Patients Webinar

This positive approach to networking from Dale Carnegie Training will help you to build confidence and credibility, communicate your value and establish profitable connections.
Watch Networking and Communicating Your Value Webinar

This webinar will review the basic structure of an associate agreement, critical considerations to bear in mind when negotiating, and a few practical suggestions for common issues that arise.
Watch Teaming Up: Critical Considerations for Associate Agreements Webinar

Locums offer a great proving ground for clinical skills and a chance to ease into the business side of chiropractic. But they can come with a considerable amount of risk. In this webinar, CCPA will walk you through how to manage that risk.
Watch Livin’ La Vida Locum Webinar

Join OCA Advance and our good friends at Beyond Law for this webinar to discuss record keeping and report writing tips, when and why your records will be produced, and how your records are used by lawyers in the litigation.
Watch Record Keeping and Report Writing – The Do’s and Don’ts Webinar

Learn to negotiate offers to lease and lease agreements and how to avoid common pitfalls. Understand how rent is calculated for commercial office space to ensure you are not overpaying. Discover how to structure your lease to minimize landlord interference.

Watch The Good Space: Office Leases for Chiropractors webinar

This session will teach you the cold hard facts about debt and help turn your “debt-blues” into a more positive mindset and build your knowledge, motivation, and commitment to attack your debt.

Watch Debt Elimination Action Plan webinar

Learn how to use strategic questions and active listening to effectively communicate with patients. Learn how to better use questions with patients: improve rapport, better identify ailments and issues and create a more open environment for sharing.

Watch How To Connect and Build Trust with Strategic Questions and Active Listening webinar

Join our financial education partners, Enriched Academy with SRJCA to learn how to take advantage of all the available deductions and benefits available to small business owners.

Watch Minimizing Tax Pain for OCA Business Owners webinar


oca advance – programs
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Launched in September 2023 as an expansion of our self-serve member portal, the OCA Advance Business Program brings you subject-matter experts in a variety of fields to help you build your business acumen and knowledge beyond chiropractic care.

Sign in today to access our introductory content which includes:

  • Marketing 101 Series – An introductory level course that covers the basics of marketing in the digital age created and recorded by subject matter expert, Roshni Wijayasinha, CEO Prosh Marketing
  • Learning resources, worksheets, and more to build your confidence and knowledge
  • OCA Advance webinars on-demand

As a member-focused organization, we thrive on feedback so we want to hear from you on what would make our new program great!


CCO logo

The College of Chiropractors of Ontario (CCO) is the governing body established by the provincial government to regulate chiropractors for the public interest. Every chiropractor practicing in Ontario must be a registered member of the College.

CCO’s Role

  • To regulate the profession in the public interest in accordance with the Regulated Health Professions Act, 1991, the Chiropractic Act, 1991, regulation and by-laws.
  • To register qualified applicants as chiropractors in Ontario.
  • To maintain a public register.
  • To investigate and review complaints and reports.
  • To conduct discipline hearings.
  • To develop and implement a quality assurance program, which includes self, peer and practice assessment, continuing education and professional development.
  • To develop and maintain standards of practice and professional ethics.

Visit CCO’s website at cco.on.ca for more information.

How to join the CCO

On successful completion of all examination requirements, candidates will receive a letter of successful passing and a registration form and then may apply for CCO registration.

First-Time Renewal Discount: You will receive a discount of 50% in your first year of renewal with CCO.

Contact CCO

416-922-6355 | Toll-free: 1-877-577-4772

Contact CCEB

Canadian Chiropractic Examining Board
403- 230-5997


CMCC logo

CMCC is committed to fostering a lifelong, mutually beneficial relationship with alumni throughout their professional careers as chiropractors, researchers and educators. This commitment includes the following:

Primary Contact is a CMCC publication, distributed twice per year (via regular mail) to all chiropractors across Canada. It provides updates on activities at CMCC such as new technologies, upcoming events, continuing education, alumni news and more.
Reconnect with your classmates at Homecoming for a weekend of social activities and continuing education. We look forward to welcoming you back where you began.

These signature fundraising events usually take place in April and September respectively and represent fun opportunities to remain connected with CMCC and to support the College at the same time.
There are a number of board committees that present a good opportunity to remain engaged with CMCC. Please contact board@cmcc.ca.

CMCC hosts events across the country which usually coincide with provincial conventions. This is a great opportunity to reconnect with CMCC and your colleagues.

Located in the Alumni and Friends section on the CMCC website, this online database of professional practice opportunities is a valuable resource which is updated on a regular basis.

As valued members of the profession, we are eager to have your participation in a new alumni program called Insight Community, through which you can share your ideas, thoughts and experiences about CMCC’s mission and path going forward. If you would like to receive more information on the program please email insight@cmcc.ca
The CMCC Board members in your province are a valuable resource to discuss practice issues or request some career advice. Reaching out with questions or ideas is also a great way to expand your professional network!

CMCC Continuing Education Courses

CMCC logo

Attention new graduates! The following courses are designed to encourage chiropractors to improve patient care outcomes using the latest research and best practices in evidence-based methods.

Learn how to evaluate an individual’s physical capacities using Functional Capacity Evaluation. Analyze a medico-legal case to deduce best standards for patient care and avoid malpractice issues. Effectively communicate with patients using cognitive and behavioural strategies from a psychologically informed approach to care. Employ new pain management strategies and techniques using acupuncture and dry needling.

These engaging courses will allow new graduates to add more tools to their toolbox, enabling them to provide additional services in their clinics and
increase their billing to insurers.

These courses are available to new graduates at a discounted rate. Please reach out to ce@cmcc.ca with the subject line “New Graduate Discount” for more information.

To view more Continuing Education courses, please visit ce.cmcc.ca

Join Mr. Cairns on September 14 at CMCC Campus for a comprehensive exploration of Functional Capacity Evaluation (FCE). FCE is pivotal in evaluating an individual’s physical capabilities in the context of specific job requirements. This course will enable learners to develop a holistic understanding of work assessments, enhancing their readiness for performing assessments for occupational health, insurers, vocational rehabilitation, and related fields

Register now at ce.cmcc.ca

The CCS and CMCC invite participants to CMCC campus on September 28 to play the expert witness and jury role during the trial! A medico-legal patient case will be presented involving a chiropractor who allegedly was involved in assessing and treating an older adult patient. Participants will help decide with our expert panelists if the chiropractic management provided met current standards of care and if such management impacted the patient’s outcome.

Register now at ce.cmcc.ca

Collaboratively produced with New York University Langone Health, this 15-hour blended online course on Psychologically-informed Practice (PiP) will present clinicians with evidence-based methods to approach care that will result in better patient outcomes, especially for those at risk of developing prolonged pain and disability. This course will serve as a training tool to help clinicians identify the psychosocial obstacles their patients face and modify them using specific cognitive and behavioural strategies.

The next cohort begins on September 9 until October 7, 2024. Registration opens May 2024.

This 200-hour blended certificate program combines Eastern Traditional Chinese Medicine with Western Acupuncture concepts, along with a variety of Dry Needling techniques. This course was designed to improve treatment outcomes for patients with acute and chronic MSK conditions. Students will learn advanced needling techniques for clinical practice with all patient types.

The next cohort begins on October 1 until November 24, 2024. Registration opens July 2024.


CCA logo

The CCA is here for our graduates. Our programs are designed to support you throughout your chiropractic journey, with additional emphasis placed on ensuring new grads are best positioned for success. Join us to connect with experts and peers across the country as you launch into a thriving career.

Our Purpose: Supporting chiropractors for a healthier Canada. Connect with over 8,000 chiropractors across Canada to show your commitment to the profession, champion an engaged community, and enhance the patient experience. Once you are a licensed chiropractor, you will receive a complimentary New Grad CCA Membership for up to 18 months! 

Member Benefits

  • We advocate to governments, employers, and the private health insurance industry to highlight how increased access to chiropractic care keeps Canadians healthy and active.
  • Stay updated with educational resources, as well as continuing education and professional development opportunities — including live and on-demand webinars through the CCA Learning Lab, research resources, government emerging news, and more.
  • Access to the CCA’s CEO and 2,000+ chiropractors through our private members-only Facebook group
  • Access to Chiropractium.ca, our exclusive members-only portal, which highlights all CCA Plus affinity program partners and their preferred member rates and services.
  • Eligibility for CCPA professional liability protection.

CCA membership is open to any chiropractor licensed in Canada who is a member in good standing with their provincial association.

How to Join CCA

Visit Chiropractium.ca to activate your membership today!

Contact your dedicated CCA Membership Team:

membership@chiropractic.ca | 416-585-7902 | Toll-free: 1-877-222-9303



The Canadian Chiropractic Protective Association (CCPA) provides protection to member practitioners in the event of a professional negligence claim or regulatory complaint.

Member Benefits

  • CCPA protects you with a $5 million per incident limit and an aggregate limit of $5 million per year. CCPA is also here for you during a regulatory board complaint.
  • Call CCPA any time — even before a claim is filed — for advice and support to help you manage risk in your practice.
  • Annual Risk Management Projects provide you with free continuing education that empowers you to protect your practice proactively.
  • New graduates are eligible for substantial discounts during their first five years after graduation.

How to Join CCPA

Here’s another easy one!
Visit ccpaonline.ca and click “BECOME A CCPA MEMBER” on the top right corner.
To learn more about CCPA, including pricing details, visit the CCPA student portal at ccpaonline.ca, click “SIGN IN” on the top right, and enter your college email address.

One of the things that set us apart from other insurers is the peace of mind that comes from knowing that when you call CCPA, someone will listen and do all they can to help.


You can also download a PDF version of the 2024 Jumpstart Your Career Guide!

2023 JYC Available Anywhere Graphic