The Role of Chiropractic in Opioid Use Reduction


We partnered with the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College (CMCC) to develop and launch The Role of Chiropractic in Opioid Use Reduction, a practical continuing education (CE) course.
CMCC Continuing Education Logo
This CE course will help you learn how to best safeguard your patients’ health and collaborate with medical professionals in managing your patients’ opioid use.
Watch the following 60-second video to discover the value of this course to you and your patients:

Completing this CMCC course will empower you to start a potentially life-changing conversation with your patients and their medical doctor or nurse practitioner to manage, reduce, or eliminate your patient’s opioid dependency.


The Role of Chiropractic in Opioid Use Reduction
Course ID: 63776 | CCOA ID: 4325 | CE Hours: 3 | Structured CE Credits: 3

Collaboratively produced with the OCA, this online course is part of an overall initiative to help chiropractors provide quality care to patients who suffer with chronic pain, partially managed through the use of opioids.
Patients tend to visit their chiropractor more frequently than their prescribing practitioner to receive treatment that manages pain and restores function. The increased opportunity for patient observation can expose potential warning signs which can be communicated to the prescribing practitioner in order for appropriate action to be taken. Ultimately, this leads to better patient care and improved outcomes.
This course is an educational resource for chiropractors to help them appreciate their role in the multi-disciplinary care of such patients, allowing them to increase competency in opioid case outreach and communication with patients and other healthcare professionals.
Key Topics:
  • Chiropractic and Pain Management
  • Opioid Facts
  • Performing Case Outreach to Other Health Professionals
  • Communicating with Other Health Professionals
Key Features:
  • Online self-study
  • Asynchronous
  • Practical procedures
  • Resources
  • Interactive scenarios with 3D simulations
  • Summative and formative assessments
Subject Matter Experts:
  • Dr. Chadwick Chung, DC
  • Dr. Cuong Ngo-Minh, MD
  • Dr. Amy Brown, DC
  • Dr. Patricia Tavares, DC

CMCC Course Testimonials

“I completed this course and found it very useful. It certainly helped me realize that managing patients who use opioids regularly is complex. Using the information presented has not only led to better patient outcomes, it has allowed me to collaborate more effectively with medical practitioners involved in my patients’ care.”

Dr. Antonio (Tony) Anziano, Clinic Director, Eastmount Chiropractic & Wellness Centre

“The CMCC course on the Role of Chiropractic in Opioid Use Reduction was very informative, provided further education on this current crisis and understanding of opioids. It was an excellent resource for learning how chiropractors may play a role and how to improve communication with physicians, nurse practitioners and other health care providers. This course also included practical communication tools that can be easily used in the office.”

Dr. Kim Gillies, Chiropractor and Owner, Village Chiropractic, Orangeville

How to Register

Click/tap the button below to register for CMCC’s The Role of Chiropractic in Opioid Use Reduction (course 63776). If you’re an OCA member, apply the coupon code (in your May 19, 2022 bulletin) during your checkout transaction to obtain a 30 per cent discount on this course’s cost.

For more information or assistance, contact