Webinars On-Demand

Update on Auto Insurance Reform and LAT Decisions Impacting Your Practice (Rebroadcast)

The PC government has proposed reform to the Auto Insurance System in Ontario and the License Appeal Tribunal (LAT) hears disputes arising from auto insurance claims. There are multiple decisions that will define Minor Injuries and exceptions, including discussion on chronic pain. Dr. Rajwani will provide updates based on recent government working groups and a summary of the decisions that may impact your clinical decision making insurance claims. There are multiple decisions that will be [...]

The Basics: Emergency First Aid in Your Practice (Rebroadcast)

Take away helpful emergency tips and learn about basic first aid skills suitable for an office environment. Practice staff will benefit from this webinar, starting with what to have in your office first aid kit. Speaker Dr. Theresa Lisk, Dr. Theresa’s Health Institute Original Broadcast September 18, 2019 Watch the Webinar Additional Resources WSIB - First Aid Frequently Asked Questions Heart & Stroke – Signs of Stroke Downloads The Basics - First Aid in [...]

Burlington: Emergency First Aid and CPR Certification

Dr. Theresa Lisk, DC, will give you an overview of first aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) skills with specific examples pertaining to chiropractic. You will learn how to recognize, prevent, and respond to breathing and circulation emergencies for adults (CPR level C). You will complete a standardized written exam and receive a Certificate of Completion from the Canadian Red Cross for your 3-year certification in Emergency First Aid & CPR Level C with AED. You [...]

Oshawa: Emergency First Aid and CPR Certification

Dr. Theresa Lisk, DC, will give you an overview of first aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) skills with specific examples pertaining to chiropractic. You will learn how to recognize, prevent, and respond to breathing and circulation emergencies for adults (CPR level C). You will complete a standardized written exam and receive a Certificate of Completion from the Canadian Red Cross for your 3-year certification in Emergency First Aid & CPR Level C with AED. You [...]

Digging Into Data: A Primer On Extended Health Care Industry Trends & What They Mean For Your Practice

Please note that this webinar has been postponed due to technical difficulties and will be rescheduled at a later date. We apologize for any inconvenience.  Data has been described as the gold of the 21st century. An immensely valuable resource, it is mined from our daily digital interactions by researchers, governments, and corporations alike. Extended health care (EHC) insurance companies and administrators are no exception to this trend. They collect data through their websites and [...]

Go Paper Free! Transition From Paper To Electronic Records (Rebroadcast)

Transition to a paperless practice; learn how to prepare your clinic using the best strategies for adopting an electronic health record. Members share how they’ve already implemented an EHR including the benefits and challenges. Speaker Drs. Edward Finoro, Faisal Malik and OCA’s Andre Pires, Product Manager, Software Development Original Broadcast October 24, 2018 Watch Webinar Additional Resources OCA Aspire Resources on Patient Privacy Resources on Record Keeping and Informed Consent Preparing for Go-Live Transferring [...]

Where Should I Invest Money? Pros & Cons of RRSPs, TFSAs, RESPs and Investments (Rebroadcast)

Investment considerations explained: overview of investment accounts; common mistakes – how RESP investing can go wrong; and insider tips you need to know. Speaker Saeed Ally, CIM, CFP, B.Sc., IA Securities Inc. Original Broadcast May 1, 2019 Watch the Webinar Additional Resources OCA Resources for Accounting & Finance Why TFSAS may beat RRSPs (PDF) The RRSP, the TFSA and the Mortgage: Making the best choice (PDF) The Jar Budget - Microsoft Excel Template Downloads [...]

St. Catharines: Emergency First Aid and CPR Certification

Dr. Theresa Lisk, DC, will give you an overview of first aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) skills with specific examples pertaining to chiropractic. You will learn how to recognize, prevent, and respond to breathing and circulation emergencies for adults (CPR level C). You will complete a standardized written exam and receive a Certificate of Completion from the Canadian Red Cross for your 3-year certification in Emergency First Aid & CPR Level C with AED. You [...]

FSRA: Achieving Financial Safety, Fairness and Choice in Ontario (Rebroadcast)

As a new organization, FSRA has already achieved notable results including strengthening the voice of the public, driving forward on regulatory innovation and reducing regulatory burden. Join us in a discussion of how Health Service Providers are part of FSRA’s priorities and how FSRA is working to ensure financial safety, fairness and choice for consumers during this time of rapid change and disruption. Speaker: Kirk Quinn, Senior Manager, Market Conduct, Health Service Providers, Financial Services Regulatory Authority (FSRA) [...]

Referral Relationships: Chiropractors & Midwives (Rebroadcast)

This webinar will highlight the prevalence of MSK conditions related to pregnancy and scope of practice for midwives in Ontario. Drs. Mickeler and Weis will lead a discussion about how midwives and chiropractors can work together to support prenatal and postnatal women, and how you can set up referral relationships with midwives. Speakers CJ Blennerhassett and Drs. Sarah Mickeler and Carol Ann Weis Original Broadcast June 14, 2017 Watch Webinar Additional Resources Collaboration and Referral Resource [...]