Webinars On-Demand

Revisiting the OCA Financial Mastery Program with Enriched Academy

Revisiting the OCA Financial Mastery Program with Enriched Academy and the All-New Learning Management System Join OCA Advance and our good friends at Beyond Law for this webinar to discuss: • Record keeping tips • Report writing tips • When and why your records will be produced • How your records are used by lawyers in the litigation Speaker(s) Heather Bangma - VP Operations, Enriched Academy Original Broadcast October 11, 2023 Watch the Webinar ...

Envelope Savings Challenge

Join the Enriched Academy team to show you how to get started with your Envelope Savings Challenge! If you're not a natural saver, the envelope challenge could jump-start a savings habit – and make it feel like a game instead of a chore.Once you've established a practice of setting aside money every day for a few months, it'll be easier to do so going forward, and will also change the way you look at budgeting. Speaker(s) Jessica...

Practice Valuations: Discovering How Much Your Practice is Really Worth

In this webinar, we discuss valuation methods, tax efficient strategies and organizational structure. Whether you are an investor or a seller, this presentation will outline the components of practice value and the importance of understanding the types of goodwill that determines a practice's value. Speaker(s) Shayan Rashid, CPA, CA, SRJCA Patrick McCabe, Chartered Business Valuator, McCabe Valuations Original broadcast date July 15, 2020 Watch the Webinar Downloads Practice Valuations Discovering How Much Your Practice...

Debt Elimination Action Plan with Enriched Academy

Many Canadians live paycheque-to-paycheque, have a low savings rate, insufficient retirement funds, and are heavily indebted with both mortgage and consumer debt. Learn to analyze and prioritize your current debts and create an effective, realistic repayment plan with the help of our "Debt Crusher" online tool (you have free access through our online portal). Many people are unaware of just how much their debt is costing them and where to start with a plan of...

Tax Savings Strategies, TFSAs & RRSPs

This session offers an introduction to Canada's tax structure and highlights many deductions and tax credits available to lower your taxes. It will also explain the basics of the Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA) and the Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) and how they can be used to invest your money and cut your tax bill. If you don't currently have a TFSA or RRSP or you think it is something you will do "later" —...

Mortgage Renewals and the Home-Buying Process

The decision to buy a home is one of the most important decisions you will ever make, and the process is complicated and comes with its own rules and language, even when renewing your current mortgage. It's imperative you understand all the ins and outs so you can avoid surprises and ensure you get the best available home for your needs and budget. This session will introduce the basic knowledge required to finance/purchase a home...

Wills and Estate Planning

Join the Enriched Academy team for a very practical, easy-to-understand explanation of wills and estate planning. Dying without a will leaves a huge mess behind for your loved one to clean up and can create all sorts of issues that you never intended. The team will show you why everyone should have a will (62% of Canadians don't) and also how easy and cost-effective it is to get one. In fact, everyone who attends this...

Minimizing Tax Pain for OCA Business Owners

Join our financial education partners, Enriched Academy with SRJCA to learn how to take advantage of all the available deductions and benefits available to small business owners. Learning Outcomes: a. How to fully utilize available tax deductions and credits. b. Audit triggers and valuable tips for record keeping. c. When a small business should incorporate and why. Speaker SRJ Chartered Accountants and Enriched Academy Original Broadcast June 21, 2023 Watch the Webinar

Building Your Retirement Dream: How to Create Wealth & Sustainable Retirement Income

The webinar will help you understand how to minimize the risk of depleting your savings during retirement, how to use your corporation to generate retirement income, and how to plan for long-term care and medical expenses in retirement. It will also touch on optimizing tax strategies and making informed decisions regarding your CPP and OAS benefits. Presenter Richard Skeels - Wealth Advisor, CIBC Original Broadcast June 12, 2024 Watch the Webinar

Money Smarts & Financial Habits to Teach your Teenager

Financial habits are formed early, and it is difficult to change later in life, which makes the teenage years a great opportunity to get your kids on track for a lifetime of sound financial decision making. If you are a little lost about what to teach your teens when it comes to money or want to save them the experience of learning about financial mistakes the hard way (sometimes with serious, lasting repercussions), make sure...