
Straighten Up, Practice Perfect Posture


Statistics show that more than 80 per cent of Canadians will experience back pain at some time in their lives. Will you be one of them? Back pain hurts, of course, but it can also curtail your routine activities, such as picking up your child or getting in and out of your car. The good news is that while some causes of back pain are unavoidable, you can often prevent problems by adopting a few...

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Pack it Light, Wear it Right: Backpack Safety 101


Carrying a heavy load that is unevenly or improperly distributed can result in poor posture and even distort your spinal column. This impact can throw your spine out of alignment, causing muscle strain, headaches, back, neck, arm pain, and even nerve damage. More than 50 per cent of young people experience at least one episode of low back pain by their teenage years. Research indicates one cause is improper use of backpacks. So, pack it...

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Baby Your Back


Statistics show that over 80 per cent of Canadians will experience back pain at some time in their lives. Back pain hurts, of course, but it can also curtail routine activities, such as picking up a child or getting in and out of your a car. The good news is that while some causes of back pain such as – i.e., medical factors and pregnancy – are unavoidable, in most cases you can prevent problems...

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Impact of Diabetes: What You Didn’t Know


When Chris Drake, 39, first started having issues with his back in his late twenties, it sidelined his much-loved golf habit. Diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at the age of nine, Drake, an entrepreneur, had played golf competitively and continued to play multiple times a week, often with business clients. Although he was in good shape and controlled his diabetes fairly well, his back pain continued off and on. If he played a lot, it...

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Six Daily Energy Boosters


Your daily routine can often get the best of you. Everyone is familiar with all-out energy drain, those times when no matter how enticing that new movie, fabulous shoe sale or friendly barbecue, you just can’t psych yourself up to go. What can be harder to recognize is chronic energy drain. You may not necessarily feel the classic signs of exhaustion – like aching muscles or that all-over tired feeling. What you do experience is...

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