
How Do You Identify and Manage a Concussion?


Concussions are called an ‘invisible injury’ because its symptoms aren’t always easy to recognize and even MRI imaging isn’t perfect at identifying a concussion. But with this kind of brain trauma, the effects are all too real. We’ll cover some steps you can take to reduce your chances of suffering long term effects after a hard hit.

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Text Neck: How to Avoid Strains and Pains


Our modern digital age has brought us many conveniences. BlackBerry devices, iPhones, tablets and e-readers allow us to communicate and be entertained with the push of a button. Technology can improve our quality of life, but it comes with a price: being huddled over devices for long period of times can do more harm than good.

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Minimize Pregnancy-Related Back Pain


You’re anxiously awaiting the pitter-patter of tiny feet, but you can’t paint the nursery because of back pain. You’re in good company! 50 percent of pregnant women experience back pain, with 10 percent reporting severe discomfort that prevents them from carrying out their daily routines.

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Maintaining Your Mobility: Stretches and Exercises


Over the years, you can develop habitual ways of using your muscles to move and position yourself. Poor posture and a lack of flexibility may be the result of limited stretching and improper body alignment. With age, your muscles naturally tighten which can lead to poor posture1 and back pain

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Three Tips for Healthy Aging


Active living is important for your health and well-being, no matter what your age is, but it can be vital for older adults. Being active and mobile can help prevent many chronic conditions that can impact you as you age. Even moderate exercise can contribute to your body’s balance and bone strength, which is why it’s never too late to start exercising.

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Exercise Safely


Being active can help you maintain a healthy weight, reduce blood pressure, build strong bones, relieve stress, and maintain flexibility and good posture. Recreational sport is a great way to enjoy the many benefits of physical activity. Whether you pick up a hockey stick, golf club, racquet, or paddle, get on a bike, or put on your running shoes. The important thing is to get moving and to exercise safely. Here are some tips to...

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