Webinars On-Demand

Phishing for Answers: The Ins and Outs of Cyber Insurance

Cyber attacks are constantly in the news, and most victims are small to medium-sized businesses. With the healthcare industry being hit particularly hard in recent months, many medical practices are considering purchasing cyber insurance, or re-evaluating their current coverage. Presented by Rehana Moosa (CPA, CA, DIFA, CFE, CFF), this webinar covers the types of losses that can occur in chiropractic practices and how those losses can be documented and quantified for insurance purposes. This webinar...

Revisiting the OCA Financial Mastery Program with Enriched Academy

Revisiting the OCA Financial Mastery Program with Enriched Academy and the All-New Learning Management System Join OCA Advance and our good friends at Beyond Law for this webinar to discuss: • Record keeping tips • Report writing tips • When and why your records will be produced • How your records are used by lawyers in the litigation Speaker(s) Heather Bangma - VP Operations, Enriched Academy Original Broadcast October 11, 2023 Watch the Webinar ...

The Good Space: Office Leases for Chiropractors

Good office space is critical for your Chiropractic practice’s long term success. Learn to negotiate offers to lease and lease agreements and how to avoid common pitfalls. Understand how rent is calculated for commercial office space to ensure you are not overpaying. How to structure your lease to minimize landlord interference. Tips on renewing and extending your existing lease and how to limit personal liability. Speakers Peter Gottschlich, Associate Lawyer, Mills & Mills LLP Original...

Building Your Brand & Patient Engagement Through Social Media

Join top digital marketing experts from TechWyse to learn how to build your online presence through social media to engage your patients and practice. Join us and build your digital footprint as TechWyse guides you through strategies and tactics to stay top of mind outside the treatment room. Speaker(s) Adam Estrela, Senior Solutions Consultant — TechWyse Internet Marketing Original Broadcast May 20, 2020 Watch Webinar Additional Resources Building Your Brand & Patient Engagement Through Social Media: MP3 Version...

Preventing Transition from Acute to Chronic Pain

Through understanding the mechanisms or actions that may create or predispose a person to chronification, we have an opportunity to be a solution rather than a potential cause of transition from acute to persistent (chronic) pain. We will explore some actionable steps we can take in our daily practice to reduce the chance a person who seeks our care falls into the persistent pain cycle and also how to help those who are already there,...

Envelope Savings Challenge

Join the Enriched Academy team to show you how to get started with your Envelope Savings Challenge! If you're not a natural saver, the envelope challenge could jump-start a savings habit – and make it feel like a game instead of a chore.Once you've established a practice of setting aside money every day for a few months, it'll be easier to do so going forward, and will also change the way you look at budgeting. Speaker(s) Jessica...

Practice Valuations: Discovering How Much Your Practice is Really Worth

In this webinar, we discuss valuation methods, tax efficient strategies and organizational structure. Whether you are an investor or a seller, this presentation will outline the components of practice value and the importance of understanding the types of goodwill that determines a practice's value. Speaker(s) Shayan Rashid, CPA, CA, SRJCA Patrick McCabe, Chartered Business Valuator, McCabe Valuations Original broadcast date July 15, 2020 Watch the Webinar Downloads Practice Valuations Discovering How Much Your Practice...

SRJCA Upcoming Tax Changes

Budget 2023 announced certain upcoming changes for the 2024 tax year. Let’s take a dive into them and how it may affect you and your practice. Speaker(s) Christine Duggan Original Broadcast January 17, 2024 Watch the Webinar

Don’t Miss The Disc!

Be better at recognizing and diagnosing lumbar disc herniations and radiculopathies. Know when to continue with conservative care, know when to co-manage with a physician and know when to initiate advanced imaging and surgical consult. Lumbar disc herniations are a common presentation in our practices. However, the presentation and symptom patterns can be challenging to recognize; they don't always look like the stereotypical radiculopathy. After years of being a RAC Low Back practitioner and seeing...

Debt Elimination Action Plan with Enriched Academy

Many Canadians live paycheque-to-paycheque, have a low savings rate, insufficient retirement funds, and are heavily indebted with both mortgage and consumer debt. Learn to analyze and prioritize your current debts and create an effective, realistic repayment plan with the help of our "Debt Crusher" online tool (you have free access through our online portal). Many people are unaware of just how much their debt is costing them and where to start with a plan of...