Upcoming Events

Practice OpportUnity ’25

The annual Practice OpportUnity event is back at the CMCC campus on Wednesday, Feb. 15, 2025. Each year, we bring together over 500 CMCC students, faculty, chiropractors, and industry vendors to an extraordinary networking event. Practice OpportUnity is the ideal venue to connect with a valuable demographic of the next generation of chiropractors. Those in attendance include 200 students from the Year IV Class, graduating in June 2025, as it is mandatory for them to attend....

Register Now: Four Spinemobility Boot Camp programs in one day!

Join world-renowned instructor and OCA member, Dr. Carlo Ammendolia at the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College on April 5 for an in-person and hands-on certification workshop for four Spinemobility Boot Camp Programs: • Lumbar Spinal Stenosis • Cervical Spinal Stenosis (Cervical Myelopathy) • Cervical Spinal Radiculopathy • Persistent Neck Pain Designed to standardize clinical practice with an evidence-based approach, this workshop will help you develop the knowledge, skills and self-confidence to significantly improve outcomes and attract new patients suffering from...