How a chiropractor helped alleviate and prevent Kyra’s headaches from returning

2024-03-18T12:54:34-04:00Headaches | Neck Pain, Patient Experiences|

Headaches and migraines are painful and can affect your ability to go about your daily activities. Often, they appear seemingly out of nowhere, but can, in some cases be the result of known factors like family history or an injury. The good news is that there’s help, including from a chiropractor to address head-related pain. Kyra is a 30-year-old accountant who was struggling with mysterious headaches for years. Despite having no history of headaches...

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Treating hand, wrist, and elbow pain with chiropractic care

2023-07-21T00:25:15-04:00Elbow | Wrist | Hand Pain, Patient Experiences|

Hand, wrist and elbow pain can affect anyone – regardless of age. Even if you’re young and active, chances are you may still experience pain associated with your daily activities. Learn how Anthony discovered chiropractic care as the solution to his hand, wrist and elbow pain. As an active 20-something with a busy life, Anthony commutes to and from work but does what he can to stay in shape. He goes to the gym...

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Learning how to cope with chronic pain helped Domenic to keep moving forward

2021-10-17T17:55:31-04:00Patient Experiences, Spinal Stenosis|

After experiencing pain like no other from a regular walk, Domenic was diagnosed with spinal stenosis, which led to years of struggle with finding care and treatment. Eventually, a visit to a chiropractic 'bootcamp' helped Domenic strengthen his body and learn the value of taking things slow.  There is new hope in the circle of care of some patients with arthritis. Domenic Manieri, a patient with spinal stenosis found it at Toronto’s Mount Sinai Hospital...

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How chiropractic care helped David manage his severe arthritis

2021-10-13T10:32:29-04:00Chronic Conditions, Patient Experiences|

At just 26 years old, David never thought that his back and glute pain could have been due to arthritis. After years of navigating the health care system for the right diagnosis and the right kind of care, he finally found a way to help manage his chronic pain at a chiropractic spine clinic.   At 26 years old, David Rennick, a technology consultant, never thought that his back and glute pain could have been due...

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Biking, walking, and interval training a reality again for Jane, who has spinal stenosis

2021-10-13T10:21:45-04:00Patient Experiences, Spinal Stenosis|

A sudden onset of arthritic pain led Jane to seek a chiropractor, who helped her get back to biking, walking, and even interval training.  “I never thought I had or could have arthritis because you don’t want to think you’re getting old!”. Jane, a patient with spinal stenosis reflects on learning her diagnosis after years of leg and back pain. For 40 years, Jane worked with visual artists and then managed a modern dance company....

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Tom and Colleen are aging well with the right exercise program and care

2021-06-28T17:39:58-04:00Elbow | Wrist | Hand Pain, Hip | Knee | Ankle | Foot Pain, Patient Experiences|

To help manage osteoarthritis pain, Tom Kellar and Colleen Fraser stay active, including taking regular walks near their Sudbury home. This activity keeps them aging well with the right care. Tom Kellar and his wife, Colleen Fraser, from Sudbury, Ontario, have always tried to stay active by going to the gym, walking, or hitting the trails on snowshoes or skis during the winter. But in recent years, the pain made exercise a challenge for them...

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With manual therapy, strengthening and stretching exercises, Brian stood up to lumbar spinal stenosis

2022-07-22T15:43:43-04:00Back | Shoulder | Arm Pain, Patient Experiences, Spinal Stenosis|

Brian Mandelker had experienced low back pain before but lumbar spinal stenosis was different. “Mostly standing around coaching kids’ baseball and hockey teams,” says the 64-year-old entrepreneur from Thornhill, Ontario. But nothing like the constant, searing pressure that hit him in the autumn of 2017. Fortunately, a chiropractor's manual therapy helped treat his spinal stenosis. “I couldn’t sit through dinner, I couldn’t sit at my desk to do my work,” recalls Brian, who was...

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How Leroy got his life back after a knee injury had a domino effect on his body

2021-06-28T18:45:17-04:00Hip | Knee | Ankle | Foot Pain, Patient Experiences|

Chiropractic care for knee injuries helped Leroy Gallagher return to work as an electrician. Seven years ago, a knee injury started a domino effect in Leroy Gallagher’s body that would leave him off work for years. “It happened back in 2011,” recalls the 36-year-old electrician from Cambridge, Ontario. “I busted up my knee and after that, I ended up with severe problems in my back and my neck. I’d been doing construction for a long...

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Brent’s recovery from an industrial work-related back injury

2021-06-28T18:54:55-04:00Back | Shoulder | Arm Pain, Patient Experiences, Work Injuries|

After a work-related back injury added to Brent’s ongoing low back pain, leaving him with severe pain, numb legs and unable to work, he turned to chiropractic care for help. As a heavy equipment operator, 45-year-old Brent Pataki needs to regularly lift heavy loads for his job at a paving company in Sudbury. After surgery to remove a herniated disc in his lower back, he had some ongoing lower back pain. Four years later, he...

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