OCA Extended Health Care Advisory Council 

The purpose of our Extended Health Care (EHC) Advisory Council is to assist us in developing and executing our long-term EHC strategy as a complement to the Canadian Chiropractic Association’s (CCA) national strategy. It will also advise on ad-hoc Ontario issues related to chiropractic and EHC as they arise. The goal of the advisory council is to, through the development and successful execution of an extensive strategy, help ensure chiropractic coverage is maintained or expanded in EHC plans for Ontarians and that the OCA becomes a key influencer and trusted advisor among EHC providers and major employers in Ontario.
Dr. Moez Rajwani
Dr. Moez RajwaniChair
Dr. Darrin Milne
Dr. Darrin MilneMember
Dr. Shabnam Sadr
Dr. Shabnam SadrMember
Dr. Jordan Calwell
Dr. Jordan CalwellMember
Dr. Stephanie Juffs
Dr. Stephanie JuffsMember
Dr. Kenneth Lau
Dr. Kenneth LauMember
Dr. Bryan Sher
Dr. Bryan Sher Special Advisor

OCA Evidence-Based Framework Advisory Council (EBFAC)

The Ontario Chiropractic Association (OCA)’s Evidence-Based Framework Advisory Council (EBFAC) works to develop a comprehensive and inclusive understanding of chiropractic care. Formed in November 2019, it’s comprised of 13 members and one patient member.
The council’s work is building a critical foundation for how a description of chiropractic that embraces the continuum of care can be developed and communicated. From this foundation, the OCA will be partnering with organizations to build practical resources for all chiropractors in Ontario.
Together, we’re creating the future of chiropractic care in Ontario. To learn how we’re doing this, click/tap the button below.

OCA Student and New Graduate Advisory Council

Our Student and New Graduate Advisory Council was formed to ensure that all voices are included as we go forward in advancing the chiropractic profession. The Council is composed of chiropractic students and recent graduates from Canada and the USA, who practise or plan to practise in Ontario.
The Council gives us valuable insight in providing the education and support needed to build a path to success, as students and new grads prepare for or transition into professional practice.
Dr. Richa Sharma
Dr. Richa SharmaYear 4 New Graduate Representative
Dr. Hailey Saxton
Dr. Hailey SaxtonYear 3 New Graduate Representative
Dr. Adam Solis
Dr. Adam SolisYear 3 New Graduate Representative
Dr. Elizabeth Barr
Dr. Elizabeth Barr Year 2 New Graduate Representative
Dr. Prabhjot Singh
Dr. Prabhjot SinghYear 2 New Graduate Representative
Dr. Anastasia Tolfa
Dr. Anastasia TolfaYear 2 New Graduate Representative
Dr. Samantha Billard
Dr. Samantha BillardYear 2 New Graduate Representative
Dr. Michelle Myre
Dr. Michelle MyreYear 2 New Graduate Representative
Dr. Sayyid Hassan
Dr. Sayyid HassanYear 1 New Graduate Representative
Dr. Kyla Meadley
Dr. Kyla MeadleyYear 1 New Graduate Representative
Courtney Nickel
Courtney NickelYear 4 Ontario Student Representative
Erika Caldwell
Erika CaldwellYear 4 Ontario Student Representative
Alina Jandu
Alina JanduYear 2 Ontario Student Representative
Brayden Laverdure
Brayden LaverdureYear 2 Ontario Student Representative