Past Events

Latest Past Events

Peterborough: Emergency First Aid/CPR Certification for Health Care Professionals

Dr. Theresa Lisk, DC, will give you an overview of first aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) skills with specific examples pertaining to chiropractic. You will learn how to recognize, prevent, and respond to breathing and circulation emergencies for adults (CPR level C). You will complete a standardized written exam and receive a Certificate of Completion from the Canadian Red Cross for your 3-year certification in Emergency First Aid & CPR Level C with AED. You [...]

Changes to the CCO Public Register

Lad Kucis of Gardiner Roberts LLP will be speaking on the types of information that are posted on the CCO public register regarding chiropractors, including new types of information mandated by recent by-law changes. In addition, Lad will be discussing the potential implications that this new era of transparency will have on chiropractors. Speaker Lad Kucis, Gardiner Roberts LLP Watch Webinar Additional Resources Changes to the CCO Public Register – presentation slides (PDF) Accounting [...]

Burlington Member Consultation

As we approach our 90th anniversary, the OCA is reflecting on our history of chiropractic advocacy and support for chiropractors delivering effective care to patients. As a profession, we are proud of what we have achieved together and we are excited about the future of chiropractic in Ontario. We have gleaned many insights from the 2017 OCA member survey. Your feedback is driving the development of our next strategic plan which will guide us as we [...]