Chiropractic Clinic For Sale With Additional Income Streams

Chiropractic Clinic For Sale With Additional Income Streams


Turn-key and well established evidence-based chiropractic clinic for sale in Orangeville area (north of Brampton).

+ Additional chiropractors, massage therapists, and other health services on staff with full schedules. Dependable and high-earning income streams. Strong clinic management policies in place both for staff and patients to ensure continued high income.

+ Continued year-over-year growth as population grows.

+ Property is owned by the clinic-owner. Open to including real estate within deal or leasing space instead. To the buyers preference.

+ Chiropractic owner willing to stay on for up to a year or leave with sale of the practice. To the buyers preference.

+ Selling the clinic as chiropractor is reaching retirement age and wishing to slow down or retire if the buyer prefers the seller not to continue on.

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